
Monday, July 11, 2011

The Tortoise and the Hare

Before my family arrived for our barbecue on the 4th, I went outside on the deck to clean up. This is what I found:

 A seemingly normal chair cushion on top of our other chair because have a certain bunny who likes to chew and eat things.

Upon further inspection, I found a Frannie bunny hiding underneath that cushion!

We also have a turtle named Philbert, who really hasn't gotten much love on the blog. He lives in a tank with water, but can survive outside of water, too. Philbert is a daredevil at heart and loves to escape out of the tank. Mind you, his tank rests on a table that is much too high off the ground for a turtle to fall off of. There have been a number of times that we heard strange noises around the house, and later discovered Philbert in different rooms than where his tank is located. Thankfully he's never made his way down the stairs, because I'd be too upset if he fell.

So lately I've been trying to let Philbert walk around the house a few times a week, to give him some exercise and prevent him from playing Evil Kenevil. He seems to be very comfortable and unafraid around me, and he loves adventuring around my room. One day I found him in Rosie's bed, amongst all her toys, just chilling. Ever since then, he's been gravitating towards her bed every time he wanders in my room. He looks to funny sitting in there, and the best part is that he lounges in it, and looks at me as if I'm disturbing him!

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