
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Date Night

William and I always try to squeeze in several dates each month, and now that it's summer and we have more options, we've been doing lots of fun things.

Tonight we went mini-golfing at Jones Beach. It's something we've done ever since we started dating, and it makes for a good date on beautiful summer nights. They were all out of adult clubs so we used children clubs, but I still managed to win the game.

I was over tired and fooling around and laughing pretty much the whole time.

I don't know what I was doing here.

 William looks oh-so-happy to be using a child's club!

 What an action shot!

Despite the lack of excitement in these pictures, we really did have a lot of fun. I got two holes in one, whereas William only got one. After golfing we hung out on the beach for a bit and I got my jeans all wet and sandy. Then we went for coffee and enjoyed the rest of the night together.

I'm very excited that the Modest Mouse Williamsburg show was rescheduled for September 14th! It looks like I'll have to skip a class in order to get there on time, but what can you do? It'll definitely be worth it. Besides, how many classes did I skip last semester and I still got a 4.0?! 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rough Times

Usually I always manage to stay positive and remain optimistic when things get rough. But sometimes just hearing, "everything is going to be okay soon" just isn't enough. I want more; a quick answer or some kind of a sign. Then, more things just keep piling up and burdening me and I start to think, "when are things ever going to get better?"

Sure, some things that have currently been burdening me have been occurring for months but just as I think things are going to start making a turn for the better, BAM! Something that I never expected and wished wouldn't happen, happens. Then what are you supposed to do?

Other things happen unexpectedly. Being the sensitive, worrisome person that I am, I freak out. I get so upset and overwhelmed and just start crying. I know it's not going to solve anything, but sometimes you just feel better after a good cry, right?

So what do I do when things get too rough? I rely on my friends and family.

When I hear upsetting news about a relative, I go and help support them through it.

When my transmission blows out in Montauk, William and his wonderful family start making me laugh and enable me to actually enjoy myself for the rest of the day.

And Daddydukes (who I am convinced is the greatest dad in the world) will pay for a new transmission because he knows that I'm a college student who not only doesn't have money for another car, but also cannot pay that kind of money to fix it and needs my car to commute to school.

Then I see my best friend, Jessica and her boyfriend and she makes me laugh and forget about everything.

And then I try to see Modest Mouse at the Williamsburg Waterfront, but lightning decides to ruin everything. No, Modest Mouse did not play my favorite song, but they did play "The View" which seems pretty optimistic to me. Maybe that's a sign? 

I don't have very many pictures from the past few weeks. I just have a few from last night, right as Modest Mouse began to play their very big five songs.

 William and I in Brooklyn. (Dan did not want to be photographed).

 Pretty Williamsburg Bridge and NYC.

 Our view. I've seen Modest Mouse twice, so I didn't really care to be up close.

At least I have cute sheets with whales on them, right?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Past Two Weeks in Pictures

Get ready for a picture overload!

 Yummy General Tso's Chicken that I made for dinner

 Pretty sunflowers that my Mommy bought for me (she knows they're my second favorite)

 Flowers picked from my garden

 Baby broccoli

 I've been very excited that my echinacea's are in bloom

William's silly kitty, Tuffy

William making silly faces

I was pretending to be a box head

Me, very modestly displaying my first broccoli of the season

A dozen crabs--not bad for our first time crabbing this summer!

And... a fuzzy picture of the two colossal crabs William and I both caught

Hope everyone has a very Happy Fourth of July! I can't wait for yummy bbq'd food and fireworks!