
Tuesday, August 24, 2010


August 14th is my anniversary with William and this year was our first. We decided to go out to dinner at Ciao Baby on Thursday and we both got the skirt steak (sooo yummy!). Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of us that night. On that Saturday we went to Atlantis Marine World in Riverhead and had a blast looking at all the fish and fun new stuff that they've added there since they opened when we were kids! I don't have any pictures of us from Saturday either, which I'm a little bummed about. But I do have these fun photos of the fish and animals that we saw!

 The seals are the first thing we saw, right outside the entrance. While we were leaving we caught a glimpse of them getting fed.

Touching the manta rays was so cool, but they felt so weird! People were feeding them, and it's so funny to see them swim right up to you. They love to be pet!

This little guy was smart and hid in the cave in order to avoid getting picked up by little kids!

 I love starfish!

 Rock Lobsterrrrrr!

The largest crab in the world!

A cool looking starfish!

Smart little guy, blending into his surroundings.


 "A whhhhaaaat?" 
"A tiger shark."
(William and I love Jaws).

 Funny eel.

 I want a seahorse sooooo badly!

A pufferfish. William and I once caught one in a crab trap!

The octopus was lame and didn't move for us.

 I love jellyfish, but was disappointed with the small display they had.

They had alligators, too! William didn't want to stick around and hold a baby gator. What a lame-o, right?


This seal wouldn't pose for a picture.

And a video of the sea otters. All they were doing was wrestling one another. The third otter couldn't be bothered with these two! You can hear me giggling, as well.

All in all, we had a blast at the aquarium. If you're ever on Long Island, definitely make the trip out to Riverhead because they have some very cool exhibits and get new ones every year. It's loads of fun, and there are always coupons available online!


  1. It was the best anniversary ever. The sea creatures were so cool. I can't wait to see what they add next year, but most of all I can't wait for anniversary year 2

  2. Amanda, I am so happy for you that you have found a great man like William and that you're doing so well together! It looks like you had a lot of fun on your anniversary, Congratulations!! I hope you have many more! I absolutely approve =D and BTW OTTERS ARE MY FAVORITE ANIMAL!!! <3 <3
