
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


On the first official day of summer, William and I decided to take a ride out to Jones Beach. We arrived there about an hour before sunset and the weather was so enjoyable. We walked the boardwalk, discovered that not only did they drastically change the mini-golf course, but it was also closed, and eventually made our way onto the beach.

Although I live on Long Island, I don't really enjoy the beach. I hate how it gets so crowded, I hate sand getting on my blanket and food, and I especially hate the uncomfortable feeling of sand sticking to my body after I come out of the water. However, I do enjoy the water. Ocean water only, that is. Bay water is dirty and full of animals and critters that just terrify me.

After walking all the way down to the water, I was intrigued by the waves and water splashing along the shore, so I just had to get my feet wet. The water was freezing, but I was loving every second of it. (That is until a really big wave crept up on me and my jeans got all wet and sand started sticking to me).

I thought this little guy was a gross bug until William pointed out that it was a frog.

Friday, June 24, 2011


It's hard for William and I to get a day off together. I work two jobs and even though I work one job at the same store as him, we don't get the same days off. This past week we had a few days off together, and we chose Monday to have a picnic.

We went to a park in Massapequa and packed a lunch. The weather couldn't have been more cooperative. It was sunny, a nice breeze was blowing, and it wasn't too hot.

I made creamy lemon chicken salad on pita, (I'll post the recipe at the end of the post), and dark chocolate brownies for dessert. After we ate lunch, we found a little nook along the lake to eat our brownies. Then we spent a good hour and a half walking around the lake, soaking in the sunshine, and observing all of the nature around us. I took loads of pictures, too!

Creamy Lemon Chicken Salad

4 cups cooked chicken, diced
I cup lemon flavored yogurt
1/2 cup mayonnaise
Juice from 1 lemon
1 stalk diced celery
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Combine the yogurt, mayonnaise and lemon juice in a large bowl. Mix well.
2. Add the diced chicken and celery to the mixture. Flavor with salt and pepper as desired.
3. Serve the chicken salad on pita or your favorite bread. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Garden Update

My first blossom of the season!

I can't wait for the rest to start blossoming.

I'm loving how lush and green everything looks in my garden right now. As the weeks go on, there will be bursts of red tomatoes, white eggplants and lots of other green veggies popping up all over the place. I can't wait, and I'm treasuring the little yellow, orange and white flower blossoms that are starting to appear now.