
Tuesday, June 4, 2013


So this semester was pretty grueling and demanding. Obviously I survived it. Now I'd like to return to blogging. I like the idea of making this my own little place to write whatever I want, ultimately preserving my thoughts and ramblings as I go through specific moments in my life.

I graduated! To be honest, I really don't feel any different. Perhaps this is because I realize I still have a lot ahead of me. Six to eight years of graduate school or possibly a PhD program are what lies between me and a PhD in Film Studies. That is what I want to do more than anything--to analyze, read about, and write about film. Eventually I'd also like to teach film history, or work in preserving film.

I'm taking a year off to not only collect myself, but to work full time. I will most likely be moving out of state to attend grad school. I'm shooting for, but not banking on, UC Berkeley. It was my dream school when I was younger, but I never applied. Moving across country wasn't appealing to me at 18 years old, and it certainly worked out.

That's all for now, but I'm excited to start writing again.