
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm Back...

   Obviously, for a while, I quit blogging. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed keeping up with this little blog, and I still do regularly read many blogs. However, I discovered that I have a love/hate relationship with blogging. We're all so quick to just document the good in our lives, and so many blogs out there showcase only the perfections. Life isn't like that. My life certainly isn't like that. It isn't just all cupcakes and wonderful times with families.
   I decided to come back to the blogging world, making a promise to myself that I won't be one of those blogs that only document the positive things going on in my life. I started this blog because I wanted to document my college years and I will continue to do that without masking reality. I want to remember the tough times I face because I want to be able to look back and realize how far I've come. I want to remember the ups and the downs. I want to take pictures along the way, too, and be able to go back to those as well.
  So here's to a totally revamped blog, with a whole new style of writing. I want to write what I want, when I want, because that's just who I am. I am a writer, and current English major, and this blog will serve as my space on the Internet. I will still document the adventures I go on, but if I have something on my mind and writing makes me feel better about it, I will write it out here. Because it's not about however many followers I have or making a profit off of my blog. It's about who I am, what I want to document, and what I want to write.

  If you would like to come along for the ride, I'd love to have you!

  I don't want to make this text-only, so here is an inspiring picture that I took in July 2005 (Wow, it's been that long?) in Alaska. I was thinking about this trip earlier today, and promised myself that William and I must take a cruise there one day.

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