
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Sooo, the creator of the first blog that I ever read, Meg Duerksen, is asking for some help.

Her and a group of women in the blog world took a trip to Africa a few months ago to help the children there. Each woman brought a suitcase full of one item that would benefit the children. Meg sent a suitcase full of birthday cake mixes and dresses. Another suitcase was full of vitamins. The women were told that each child would receive one hard boiled egg each Saturday, and that egg would most likely be their protein for the week. Obviously, the vitamins helped out a lot, but it's been months since Meg and the ladies were there, and the children's club has run out of them.

The women are asking for donations of children's vitamins to send in one giant box to the children's club. I've bought some bottles already and wanted to see if any of you would like to help. Please comment and let me know if you would be interested! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I will of course help =) Let's go to target some time this week together
